Δευτέρα 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

US mandates all-electronic B2G invoicing in 2018

Just like Europe, the United States decided to mandate B2G e-invoicing.  The US Federal Government is the largest single purchaser of goods and services in the United States, processing over 19 million invoices each year.
Approximately 40% of these invoices are processed using electronic invoicing with the remaining using a mix of electronic and manual processes that provide little visibility to businesses and can result in tax dollars being used for late payment fees rather than to support critical agency missions.

Treasury estimated that adopting e-Invoicing via an IPP (Internet Payment Platform) across the federal government would reduce the cost of entering invoices and responding to invoice inquiries by as much as 50 percent or $450 million annually.  These government-wide savings equal roughly one quarter of the $2.1 billion of the efficiency savings that the President’s 2012 Budget called upon agencies to identify.
To address cash flow issues for businesses, particularly small businesses, the US Administration already took steps to facilitate accelerated payments to small businesses and small business subcontractors.
In the opinion of the ‘Executive Office of the President’ electronic invoicing can further these goals while also reducing administrative burden and costs to taxpayers. And therefore it is decided that in 2018 there will be all-electronic invoicing.
By the start of fiscal 2018, electronic invoice solution providers are to:
use the Integrated Award Environment systems, including the System for Award Management, to provide information to contractors and reduce burdens on vendors; and
mitigate any risks associated with the use of proprietary or third-party supported systems.
As part of the initiative, an interagency effort has begun to establish a shared services governance model to help ensure that all invoicing solutions work well. Shared services also will help reduce duplication and facilitate adoption of data standards and interfaces for electronic invoicing, the memo said.
Contractors will be then able to submit requests for payments to a central government-wide portal that’s also part of a new Office of Management and Budget electronic invoicing initiative. Contractors can submit one invoice even when multiple approvals are required. They also can also track the status of invoices without resorting to phone calls or e-mails.

The announcement since 13/7/2011 is avaliable at : http://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/tg1238.aspx
The recent memo (since 17/7/2015)  is available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/memoranda/2015/m-15-19.pdf

Source: http://eeiplatform.com/16421/united-states-mandates-all-electronic-b2g-invoicing-in-2018/

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